Sunday, January 02, 2005

Headed South!

Woo-hoo! Somewhere warm. It's surprisingly cold here in Shanghai.
I'm sure it's nothing compared to home, but it's consistantly below
freezing and none of us really have clothes that are quite built for
it. I've been wearing the same pair of long underwear every day. And
with luck, the warm weather will help clear up the various ailments
I've acquired since arriving in Shanghai (I also seem to have gotten a
minor cold).

So we've got a 12:21 train to Guelin, in the south, Guanxi Province, I
think. It's a 25-hour trip, so we're finally going to star getting a
sense of how big China is. And I'll be out of e-mail contact for a
while. But on our way to the train station, more or less, I'll be
stopping to say hi to Sophia Thich, who's also Bowdoin Class of '04
and now works in Shanghai. I didn't find this out until a few days
ago and we haven't really had a good opportunity to meet since then,
but it'll be cool to see her. Freshman year we were took physics
together and were lab partners.

Okay, need to go.


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