My age is higher than it's ever been
Another strange but true Korean cultural oddity (from my perspective, of course): Not only do you start at 1 when you come out of the womb (like the Chinese and others), but your age goes up not on your birthday, but with the new year. Maybe that used to be the lunar new year, but now it's the solar new year, on Jan. 1st. So that makes me 26. Cool. On the other hand, on my birthday I'll still be 26. it also means that the little kids I'm teaching (oh, yeah, I'm doing some part time teaching now) are called 5-7 and actually are 3-6. Or something like that, with the result that I occasionally expect them to be a tad older than they are. Also, I checked, and this does in fact mean that children born on Dec. 31st turn 2 the very next day.