Saturday, September 15, 2007

A question

The stereotype is that 'Western' cultures tend to think of time linearly, progressing from the past to the future, whereas 'Eastern' cultures think of time as a circle, with the processes of life end death repeating endlessly, right?
So why is it that so many western TV series (as opposed to mini-series) are written so that the world of the show hardly changes from one episode to the next, that the overarching narrative of the series, if it exists at all, is secondary to the plot demands of a given episode (and the marketing exigencies of sweeps months) so that static characters exist in relatively static universes, repeating similar situations ad infinitum, while the emphasis in many Asian TV series is on the overall plot, such that many shows are almost like an extended mini-series, and stop broadcasting when the plotline has been completed?

Friday, September 07, 2007

Extra Day in Japan

General announcement: I have unexpectedly found myself able to extend my layover in Japan by a day.  This means that I will be able to go to a friend`s wedding celebration tomorrow.  It also means that I`ll return to Seoul a day later than planned, arriving at approximately 12:05pm on the 9th instead of the 8th.  Still have plenty to write about.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

In Paris

Yeah, I'm in Paris.  Doing stuff.  It's cool.  I'll actually write about it, and upload pictures, when I get back to Korea.  Until then...